Monday, April 1, 2013

You don't have to be straight, you just have to shoot straight..

  Hello, World!

(more on our intro title later)

 Who are you?

   I'm called the Bear and I'm a liberal gun owner.  "How the hell does that happen?", you might ask yourself. It's actually pretty easy, and doesn't require any self-delusion or hypocrisy.

  I grew up in a small town, born into a family of hunters. I got my first rifle from my dad when I was about five years old. I shot my first deer when I was 11, after completing an NRA youth hunter safety course. I opted out of a military career and went into Information Technology.

  I like guns, I own guns.

  "But," you say, "what's this about you being a liberal? How does that mesh with being a gun owner and a hunter?"

  I'm glad you asked!

  For me, there's no conflict between the basic philosophy of modern Liberalism and firearms ownership. I believe in personal responsibility and in individual freedom. I believe that the government does not have a right to tell us how to live our lives, so long as how we live does not infringe on the rights of other people. I believe that the we're a community at large and that we have a responsibility to take care of each other. I've been kicked by life and been down; my community helped me survive until I was back on my feet. I believe that I owe my community the loyalty that it showed me, and I believe that our highest purpose is to guide those who come after us.

  I believe that the government is not some faceless OTHER that opposes and oppresses us. The government IS US. If we are to succeed as a nation, we need to accept responsibility for what the people we elect do in our name. I believe that paying taxes and voting are the two responsibilities that all American citizens should be glad to engage in, in exchange for the extraordinary freedom we enjoy.

  I believe that as an explicitly enumerated right, firearms ownership by private citizens is something to be protected. If for no other reason, we have never allowed ourselves to be stripped of a right that is specifically enumerated in the Constitution (musings on the eroding of rights and also of the Eighteen Amendment come later). I believe that to do so would be a slippery slope that threatens all of our rights and freedoms. We must remain engaged and aware in order to protect our nation and ourselves.

Why a blog?

  There are more people who think like I do than the Internet and the news media would lead us to believe. Most of the gun owners in my life - and indeed the most enthusiastic shooters I know - are about where I am or even further to the left. We don't see a contradiction in our beliefs and morals at all.

  However, there seems to be a serious lack of people talking about this viewpoint on the Internet. Googling for potential allies in this sphere was a trip to crazytown; xenophobic reactionaries creating stawmen sixty feet tall. I'm sure that a lot of bloggers are otherwise good people, but the things they say about me and my friends are truly frightening.

  This blog is my opportunity to talk about how I see things, to help open up lines of communication and maybe, possibly, connect with the hearts and minds.

  It also represents and opportunity for me to present how-tos, tips, reviews, and other editorial content in a safe and non-threatening space. I'm planning on a series of YouTube video guides as well as text-and-photo posts.

  It's my hope that as I go forward, you'll join me and become a part of my community.

So, what's with the post title?

  The post title is a paraphrase of Barry Goldwater's infamous "You don't have to be straight to fight and die for your country, you just have to shoot straight" and it's one of my favourite quotes. I like how Mr. Goldwater's stance on gays in the military was basically "who the hell cares?". Sadly, while I feel that Mr. Goldwater was an honourable man, he was on the wrong side of history regarding civil rights, and gave us the atrocious quote "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

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